Doris - FWD V8 Mini & Pievan - RWD V8 Van
Please follow the Facebook page for latest progress, as (because I'm cr4p/lazy) there is a bit of a delay before I can sit down and do proper updates in here!
She's alive again!
The engine running for the first time in about
15 years. Plus a quick timelapse of resurrection progress 2016-2025
Doris on the UpsideDown-A-Tron, which obviously has to lead to Andrew
inside Doris on the UpsideDown-A-Tron !
Basically, with the country in lockdown for C-19 there's suddenly a lot more time to spend on important DIY around Spag HQ. So, having fixed the fence, trimmed the trees and chopped the hedge down in the front garden the next job was to have a tidy in the garage, the result of which is is plenty of space to play. It is a well known fact that when time and space are forced together anything can happen, and something frequently does, so hopefully there will be time to get something fun done during this uncertain period!
Also on the job list as a revamp of the website, so please bear with me as there's 20yrs of stuff and web tech to wrangle :)