A small mock up of the bonnet scoop-hump-bulge thing was made to get an idea of the general shape. Undercoat plaster was used because it's easy to work and dead cheap. See, I said it was small! Here's the spare steel bonnet with a protective 'release layer' of cling film;-) Then the first tentative splat of plaster is applied and left overnight to dry. After that comes the fun bit of trying to sculpt something that resembles a bit of car. Hmm, from humble beginnings and all that... After a few more thin layers it's looking a bit more presentable. And lots less like a nasty garden ornament! The other bit of styling that needs looking at is wheels.. 10"? 12" ? or maybe 13".. Too many choices ! And then there's colour. Wrap up yer Superlite with clingfilm, then spray with flourescent paint to get an idea how it looks.. Bright ! Hmm, much nicer than the smelly black steel Wellers. And nicer than the 12" Minilight. The 13" Superlites are still a bit boring in plain old shiny finish. The track is probably wider than the LandRover too ;-) Looks like I will need Gp7 arches as the 5's are a bit too thin. Having decided that flouro orange may be the way to go a 10" GB alloy gets the low bake treatment. Smells better than cakes :-) Hmmm, shiny orange, but do I brave the 13"s...?
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This page last modified 09/11/2006. |