| Essential for a good start prior to cutting or welding:- breakfast & a permanent marker :-) Testing the parcel shelf for structural integrity ? The rough edges of the sump adapter have been trimmed, and the jointing surfaces cleaned up to cut down the 'BL' leak factor. The gearbox assembled ready for the engine to be dropped on. The speedo drive housing needed a bit of a trim, but fitted under the sump quite well, leaving a Mini type cable fitting at the back of the box. Engine resting on the rocker covers while fitting the adapter plate & oil pickup pipe. This is still the prototype adapter cut from a 1mm & a 1.5mm sheet to provide the 2.5mm required. These sheets have been welded together to make them a bit more rigid. The final adapter will be a single 3mm sheet, requiring 0.5mm more to be skimmed from the bottom of the block. The oil pickup pipe is made from the flange of the V8 pickup brazed onto a bit of flexi copper plumbing pipe. The previous version was soldered and survived 2 hours of test running, but was not to be trusted for real driving ! The strainer is basic, a steel gauze sock jubilee clipped to the pipe, but should stop big bits of gearbox from getting to the oil pump. Flexi copper pipe was used because my skills at bending steel tube are limited and there are a few bends needed ! The pipe first curls down around the crank (missing the big ends & webs), then bends forwards and down into the gearbox. Looks kind of rude from the side ? Ho, hum, gaskets ? Not yet, more silicone instant gasket goop. A rather ugly, but functional adapter bolted to the back of the transfer plate, this is made from 2 x 1.5mm steel sheets welded together. To remove the spigot bush bearing from the end of the crank, fill the hole with grease, then find something that is a snug fit in the hole and tap it in. The hydraulic pressure from the grease will magically force the bearing out. (Tip from the Land Rover list). OK, now you can be scared... The bolt holes in the Princess flywheel have to be moved inwards to meet the PCD of the V8 crank & adapter. Two of the holes have to be offset a bit as well due to the weird V8 spacing! Looking down into the gap between the engine and the modified bulkhead shows proper finger room. There should be reasonable room to get to the pugs now !
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fuel injection by MEGASQUIRT For General V8 info try http://www.v-8.org.uk/forum/ For sensible Spag stuff visit www.spagweb.com or for madtech mayhem try www.magicspanner.co.uk Looking for more Mini info ? Then try the Internet Mini Encyclopaedia www.ime.org.uk
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This page last modified 09/11/2006. |