A spot of paint stripper gives a pleasing, though I fear short lived, finish to the car. There may also be the minor problem of surface slippage or even loss at motorway speeds... It doesn't take long before chunks start falling off, a feature not entirely alien to a Mini owner. This gives a nice photo opportunity for car and 'caring owner'. After a bit of a visit from Mr & Mrs Orbital-Sander the surface was pretty flat & ready for a spot of undercoat. It was after we had done a coat on the doors and side panels that we thought it might be a laugh to trundle over to Boughton Monchelsea (near Maidstone) to a local Classic show :-) At this point I should say 'Hi' to the visitors that had a good nose around the car while we were there. Elaine was most surprised to see someone lying under the car who wasn't me ! After the little excursion we mixed up some more yellow undercoaty stuff and turned big bits of the car a fetching primrose colour.
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This page last modified 09/11/2006. |