Instead of the 'top quality' pipe lagging that had been covering bits of the cage, I invested in some real cage padding in fablious yellow (£5ish each) from the nice people at Rally Designs who happen to be quite local. The nice purply Mental Inside logo thing seems to work quite well against a yeller background. I am sure if I got the size right I could bung these on the rear cage legs... It also seems that against all sense of reason, purple & fluro orange seem to work quite well together, well, at least as well as any other colour with fluro orange !!! ;-) With the visit from a red Mini, the drive was full of colour - shame about the green thing in the background messing up the shot. That'll be a sunset then. Hopefully this will be the only occasion that a large flaming ball of gas is spotted above the bonnet !!!!! |
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fuel injection by MEGASQUIRT For General V8 info try http://www.v-8.org.uk/forum/ For sensible Spag stuff visit www.spagweb.com or for madtech mayhem try www.magicspanner.co.uk Looking for more Mini info ? Then try the Internet Mini Encyclopaedia www.ime.org.uk
Norfolk n Goode Pies, Your Favourite Farmyard Faces In Tasty Pastry Cases. http://www.norfolk-n-goode.co.uk
This page last modified 09/11/2006. |