20th May 2001, HARDWARE !! Picked up a Weber 40DCOE32 at the London to Brighton for £40, mostly to check if it would be practical to cut the standard twin SU manifold to take a side draught carb, like on the V8 MGB. 2nd June 2001, ACTION ! Trial fitting of the princess gearbox into the 'test bed', this comprises of a complete front subframe & suspension, with a steel Clubby front end. 10th June, HARDWARE !! Picked up a pair of matched Weber 40DCNF down draught carbs at Beaulieu for only £30 with the linkages, which was nice ! 15th June, ACTION ! Due to the brain fade involved with trying to visualise the valve order I decided to write a 'V8 simulator' in Visual Basic. Download the full installer (1.4M) - needed if your PC doesn't have all the VB runtime stuff Then spent a couple of hours playing with the twin SU manifold and the Weber DCOE & DCNF, then cut the top off the manifold, because I am like that. 24th June, ACTION ! Flywheel development..... The main body of the princess flywheel is to be retained, but a V8 flywheel will be sacrificed to make an adaptor boss to mate it to the V8 crank. This is because the flywheels use different bolt centres for the fixings onto the crank. The flywheel also needs to be spaced off of the crank due to the thickness of the adaptor plate between the block and the transfer housing. A 'proper' drawing with dimensions will be produced soon (honest). 24th June, ACTION ! Here it is, as promised, a proper dimensioned drawing of the flywheels ** WARNING NOTE ** THIS DESIGN SCRAPPED !!!!! ! (10/10/2001)1st July, STOP !!! All work stopped for a bit to allow Elaine & I to get married on 18th August |
NOTE AVI files compressed with the DivX codec, free from www.divx.com Diy
fuel injection by MEGASQUIRT For General V8 info try http://www.v-8.org.uk/forum/ For sensible Spag stuff visit www.spagweb.com or for madtech mayhem try www.magicspanner.co.uk Looking for more Mini info ? Then try the Internet Mini Encyclopaedia www.ime.org.uk
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This page last modified 04/02/2008. |