When I initially brought out the angle grinder, the imp got scared and argued that I should be the one who got modified...
As the first few pictures show, impie got a bit angry and attempted to drag me inside the engine bay for a fight, and indeed suceeded at one point...
But I managed to find the start switch for the grinder and cut it's heart out instead....tough luck imp, I won that one.
The ultimate humiliation for the dissected imp was to implant a BL mini subframe. I just hope that the Megasquirt EFi that I eventually intend to fit doesn't have a recognisable sentience or IQ, as I'm convinced it will try to get it's revenge. (Robo-Blimp style). The two days we spent on the cut and shut job was extremely
knackering, and quite frankly I was a bit concerned. I've never hacked a car
about so comprehensively; but on the plus side, we discovered that most of the
strengthening could be hidden underneath the wheel arches to keep the exterior,
and most of the interior appearance as standard as possible.
The mini subframe infact fitted quite 'snuggly' and took up a lot less room than first imagined. The original imp rear kickplate will be retained and reinforced with a massive 100mm square, 3mm thick transverse box section.
Further longitudinal stiffening will stretch back from this,
with another transverse box section linking up the mini subframe turrets, before
linking up with the standard imp box section behind the rear wheelarches. It'll
be pretty strong I imagine..... Damian
NOTE AVI files compressed with the DivX codec, free from www.divx.com Diy
fuel injection by MEGASQUIRT For General V8 info try http://www.v-8.org.uk/forum/ For sensible Spag stuff visit www.spagweb.com or for madtech mayhem try www.magicspanner.co.uk Looking for more Mini info ? Then try the Internet Mini Encyclopaedia www.ime.org.uk
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