45th Aniversary stuff, Silverstone, Sept 04.
The Runnin' AMOC stand was a nice corner plot, so we could arrange the cars nicely, and have a bit of 'private' space at the back under the gazebo (until it exploded in the high wind !!!) Nice big copy of the wide picture, which has something odd about it. Can you spot it ? ** answer at foot of page. Nice of the organisers to give us space number 45 so we could compose a nice picture ! Pics of the AMOC cars. Possibly the last picture of the gazebo alive ?
We saw things, we saw them with our eyes. Like, A downhill dangerous thing. A nice Domino fiberglass pickup shell.. A Classy car transporter, yes even better than out trailer ! Some peepl looking at Doris A queue for the cavalcade Doing discrete loops on the circuit when the traffic stopped. Hannah with a camcorder, and a hidden fish brolly.
** In the big wide picture, Mr Mitchell features twice... Spooky... |