Just a few artistic arrangements of objects that Spag has been (ir)responsible for. Spag in flight - MBUK lake jump, Essex (early 90's).The only known picture of Spag in freefall after bailing off the back of a tandem, piloted by Andrew (Minge) Hicks.
The Tower of Plastic Furniture - Penshurst circa 1995.We had aimed to build the tower higher than 5 tables, but the 'wobble' when standing on a stack of 3 tables was apocalyptic enough, that nobody fancied trying to stand on 4 ! The tower by night
Doris parked in the 40 at Mini40, Silverstone 1999.OK, so maybe we ended up there more by accident than design ;-) V8 wine rack with Minilights (2001)How to store large automotive items in the living room without your spouse noticing them ?
More to follow as dubious old photos are discovered and scanned !
AMOC 'pasta' challenge - Spaghetti ConrodSee AMOC Pasta for more !